차지훈 사진
우주 구조 및 다기능 복합재료
우주비행체 설계, 복합재료 역학, 재료역학


우주 구조 및 복합재료 연구실 (Space Structures and Composites Lab)

-PhD from KAIST (Advisor Professor Chun-Gon Kim)

연구 분야

- (우주)복합재료
- 우주환경 저항성 폴리머 및 우주환경시험
- 우주방사선 차폐 복합재
- 스텔스(전자기 흡수) 구조
- Space debirs 차폐 구조/재료
- 우주 오리가미 구조
- CFRP기반 구조 배터리

SCI 투고 논문

Multidisciplinary Space Shield Origami Composite: Incorporating Cosmic Radiation Shielding, Space Debris Impact Protection, Solar Radiative Heat Shielding, and Atomic Oxygen Erosion Resistance, Composites Part B: Engineering(IF=12.7, 상위 0.3% (multidisciplinary 분야 1위 저널)), 2024

Origami multi-layer space shield for cylindrical space structure, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics(IF=5.7, 상위 4.4% (aerospace 분야 4위 저널)), 2024

A space stealth and cosmic radiation shielding composite: Polydopamine-coating and multi-walled carbon nanotube grafting onto an ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene/hydrogen-rich benzoxazine composite, Composites Science and Technology(IF=9.1, 상위 12.5% (composite 분야 4위 저널)), 2022

Functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes/hydrogen-rich benzoxazine nanocomposites for cosmic radiation shielding with enhanced mechanical properties and space environment resistance, Composites Science and Technology(IF=9.1, 상위 12.5% (composite 분야 4위 저널)), 2022

Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene/hydrogen-rich benzoxazine composite with improved interlaminar shear strength for cosmic radiation shielding and space environment applications, Composite Structures(IF=7.3, 상위 7.7%), 2022

Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene as a hypervelocity impact shielding material for space structures, Acta Astronautica(IF=3.5, 상위 16.2%), 2020

Composite-fabric-based structure-integrated energy storage system, Composite Structures(IF=7.3, 상위 7.7%), 2023

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